
From House to Home

Parliament is ‘prorogued’ this week. This is the official name for the period between the formal close of a parliamentary session and the beginning of the new, marked by the State Opening of Parliament and King’s Speech on Tuesday – the first in more than seven decades.

Caroline Calls for the Meads Sports Centre to be Saved

Caroline Ansell has said Meads Sport Centre must be saved during a visit there to meet up with groups that use it .

Caroline popped in on Friday to meet The Aqua Ladies, members of ‘TOFs and a host of children at the half term CACL gym camp.

Airbourne Saved for 2024!

I am delighted the borough council has committed to keeping Airbourne for next year. Thank you to everyone who got behind my campaign to keep the show flying.

Ticket Offices in Eastbourne to Remain Open!

I am delighted the Government has asked train operators to withdraw their ticket office closure proposals.

This means Eastbourne, Polegate and Hampden Park will maintain the current level of face-to-face customer service for passengers.

Caroline Hosts Menopause Summit in Parliament

Caroline Ansell has sponsored a menopause seminar in Westminster for health specialists and providers.

The event, organised with Lewes MP and health minister Maria Caulfield, heard from a panel of specialists, on issues that relate to access to the latest treatment, advice and support.

Caroline Raises HAF Success in Parliament

Caroline Ansell has asked the Education Secretary about the effectiveness of the Holiday Activities and Food Programme in parliament this week.

Caroline regularly visits HAF initiatives in the town and is a supporter of the scheme.

From House to Home

I led a debate in parliament this week about government support for a circular economy.


Caroline Welcomes Eastbourne Asylum Accommodation Closing Down

Caroline Ansell has welcomed the government announcing that two local hotels will stop being used to house asylum seekers.

The properties will be part of the first wave of 50 hotels across the country to stop taking migrants because of the impact on Eastbourne’s visitor economy.

Help for Households Extended

Caroline Ansell is urging low income families to apply to the borough council for the government’s Household Support Fund this winter.

East Sussex has received more than £7.7 million up to March 2024 as part of the fourth round of grants.

From House to Home

The Prime Minister went to Israel this week to speak to his counterpart there and to reaffirm the UK’s support for the country following the attack on it from the terrorist group Hamas.