
Foreign Secretary visits Eastbourne

Caroline welcomed the Foreign Secretary, William Hague, to Eastbourne. They met with business leaders and community activists.

The million pound question

At a meeting of the Cabinet, Conservative Prospective MP & Councillor Caroline Ansell, Shadow Portfolio Holder for Finance, will put forward a budget proposal which would see businesses in Eastbourne benefit from a million pound pledge.


Join Caroline and Douglas Carswell MP at an open public meeting to discuss "What we need to do to wake up Westminster and build a better Britain"

School closures

I couldn’t have been more dismayed by the decision of my children’s schools and other schools across the town to close their doors to pupils on Thursday.

Chocks away for a new runway in the South East?

Recommendations on the need to increase air capacity in the South East look likely following a briefing, on Monday, by Sir Howard Davies, chair of the Airport Commission.The Commission has been tasked by the government to report on national aviation capacity going into the future and is due to submit its findings and recommendations in 2015.

Conservative Party Conference

Caroline Ansell, Eastbourne & Willingdon's Parliamentary Candidate, joined colleagues from across the country at The Conservative Party Conference, held in Manchester this year.

“A DISGRACE !!” – Councillor Ansell Condemns Absence of Trust

Conservative Councillor and Prospective MP for Eastbourne and Willingdon, Caroline Ansell has thanked the two thousand people who showed their support at Saturday’s ‘Save the DGH’ march but has strongly condemned members of the hospital trust.

Cameron’s key adviser visits Eastbourne

Cllr. Caroline Ansell welcomed Conservative MP Claire Perry to Eastbourne on Friday to address a gathering of local party supporters and activists.