Eastbourne and Willingdon MP Caroline Ansell has pledged her support for a parliamentary bill placing a duty on local authorities to look after the needs of people with Down Syndrome.
The landmark Private Members Down Syndrome Bill has received UK government support and had its second reading this Friday.
Caroline met up with The National Down Syndrome Policy Group (NDSPG) to find out more about the bill and show her support.
The Bill aims to place a duty on English local authorities to assess the likely social care needs of persons with Down syndrome and plan provision to help support them.
“Many people with Down Syndrome live active, rewarding and very independent lives but there is also an acknowledgement they face significant hurdles in accessing services and the support they need,” said Caroline.
“I am really pleased to support this bill and I am pleased the Government has chosen to support it too. It now has a real chance of becoming law and it is an important piece of legislation.”
The Down Syndrome Bill will require the Secretary of State to publish guidance to public bodies to ensure that they are clear on how they should meet the needs of people with Down's Syndrome.
It will set out best practice across health, education, social care and housing, giving practical advice on how the appropriate steps can be taken to meet the needs of those with Down Syndrome when planning, designing and delivering services.
The Government will consult widely on the proposed guidance, ensuring the voices of those with Down Syndrome, their families and carers are heard, and that the guidance is fit for purpose.