I am delighted the university has announced a preferred bidder that will take Meads Sports Centre forward when the campus closes at the end of the academic year.
Our worst fear was a ‘mothballed building’ in the wake of students’ relocation to the Brighton campus, followed by dilapidation and eventual demolition.
I have worked closely with the university to work out a future for the building because I know how important it is to the Meads community.
I have contacted Wave Active and South Downs Health and Care and plan to meet with them as soon as possible as I continue to support all the brilliant groups and organisations that use the facility. The closure of the campus has led to an uncertain time for them but today marks an important milestone and I hope they can very quickly be brought into the plans for the time ahead.
Of course, we will soon enter a transition period and that is inevitably going to take time. As this happens, I am committed to keep working with everyone concerned to ensure any plans deliver for the community in the years to come.